Kamila Jancewicz
Chairman LINC Society Limited
LINC is a vibrant and innovative social enterprise (not for profit co-operative), formed in July 2019. LINC is registered as LINC Society Limited with Registration number 5957R. We are a team of trained multicultural experts representing nine nations, fluent in 18 languages; English, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Romanian, Serbia, Arabic, Yoruba, Igbo, Finnish, Portuguese, Lingala, Spanish, Croatian, Bosnian, Hindi and Punjabi.
We possess an extensive range of professional expertise including; education, community development, social services management, social justice, child psychology, human resources, integration, youth development. All members have a professional qualification in Community Interpretation. The Monaghan Integration Strategy 2020, involved consultations with our communities, this project addresses the key recommendations from this report.
LINC Members
The LINC team members are all drawn from different cultural communities and can provide a gateway between services and their cultural community and vice versa.
The Cultural Champions Project was piloted with Túsla provides a model that can be used by other service providers to meet their specific needs.

Abel Ayodeji, Vice Chairman
Native African and fluent in African, Finnish and English Languages

anastasia scurenko,financial secretary
Native Arab and fluent in Arabic and English Languages
Raluca Coroi
Vice secretary
Native Romanian fluent in Romainian and English Languages

Regina Sirvaitye
Native Lithuanian and fluent in Lithuanian, Russian & English languages

Ivana Matic
safety officer
Native Croatian, and fluent in Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian & English languages

Dzintra Mcconnon,
Native Polish and fluent in Polish, Russian & English languages

Luciano Ferreira Gungo,
Native African and fluent in Lingala, Portuguese Spanish & English languages

Zeinab omer a el mustafa
Native Arab,Fluent in Arabic and English Languages
Native Latvian and fluent in Latvian, Russian & English languages

Mihaela Constantin
Native Romanian and fluent in Romanian and English Languages

Zakia Kujaji
Native Syrian and fluent in Arabic & English languages

Bhupinder Kumar,
Public relations officer
Native Indian and fluent in Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and English Languages